Ingorda for Florence Campus Publishing oversees the publishing projects of FUA-AUF. All Ingorda projects and activities are managed by the Fondazione AUF. Ingorda was established in 2008 with the primary objective of providing a viable publishing counterpart to FUA-AUF's academic vision. Ingorda’s purpose is directly related to the meaning of its name. “Voracious” or “greedy” in English, Ingorda refers not only to food but to all areas of life, culture, and knowledge. Its mission is to put into print infinite topics for voracious readers who are hungry to learn. Coincidentally, the first series of Ingorda books are cookbooks and food/wine guides, produced for Apicius International School of Hospitality and characterized by the discovery of true Florentine taste by revealing to the reader the hidden culinary corners of the city. Expansion in the areas of travel guides, books on art, and textbooks have added new dimensions to Ingorda Publishing Services that will continue to grow with innovative ideas, concepts, and initiatives.
Editorial and publishing services to AUF related literature.
Publishing house affiliated with the AUF first year professional studies certificate in publishing where students are involved in the production of specialty books in the areas of art, gastronomy, and fashion.
University press offering textbooks services to AUF academic institutions as well as independent authors and institutions.
Services and consultation for specialty books in the areas of gastronomy, art, travel and more offered to individual and institutional authors.
Ingorda books can be purchased online, at AUF front desks, or at local Florentine bookstores