Publishing Career Program
CAREER PROGRAM: Communication and Interactive Digital Media + Specialization in Publishing
The J SCHOOL hosts the 2nd year concentration in publishing for FUA-AUF's 2-year Communication and Interactive Digital Media Career Program. Career Programs are divided into levels lasting approximately 10-11 weeks for accelerated learning in specific career fields. At least 2 levels are required for certification (levels I and II or III and IV). The granting of formal final certification is conditional on the successful completion of all program academic requirements. Programs may be attended for only one level as a study abroad experience, at the end of which is issued to the student a transcript for coursework completed.
Program Overview
After the first Common Core Year of the Career Program, the second year specialization in publishing fine-tunes the advanced skills necessary to design, edit, produce, publish and market published media. Particular focus is given to magazine and book publishing and the unique structure of the program allows students to partake in ongoing publishing projects of Ingorda for Florence Campus Publishing. The final project is a student and faculty-produced book that is intended to be marketed in both mainstream and specialized markets. A lifestyle magazine is also produced in-house with the collaboration of students. Students will study with competent and qualified instructors and will have an unparalleled quality in teaching that includes learning in a collaborative working environment that promotes exchange of ideas and methods between students and instructors.
How is the program structured?
The Career Programs area of the FUA-AUF website provides a comprehensive overview of how Career Programs are structured.
What type of targeted coursework is offered?
The academic coursework and experiential learning component of the publishing program is provided at the program page.
What projects have previous students published?
In additional to publishing lifestyle magazines and a capstone book project, professional portfolios are an essential learning objective in the academic year. View an example of a capstone project and final portfolios of previous publishing students. Additional publishing projects may be viewed at the campus press section.
Enrollment - Tuition - Info
Please visit the Undergraduate Admissions Area of the FUA-AUF website. A detailed brochure of career programs can be found in the Academics area of the FUA-AUF website.