The below textbooks are the direct result of institutional research. The diverse and interdisciplinary topics can be utilized by off-campus readers as well. Click on the item you would like to learn more about from the list below.
Pedagogical Innovation and Learning Outcomes Assessment in Hospitality Education-A Cultural Perspective
The research within Pedagogical Innovation and Learning Outcomes Assessment in Hospitality Education-A Cultural Perspective by Radesh Palakurthi shows the result which experiential learning has within the realm of hospitality education. Surveys were conducted with students in hospitality majors at universities who engaged in a study abroad program with at least one component of experiential learning. The results showed that students core learning outcomes increased by an average of 10% after engaging in experimental learning programs.
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The Value of Study Abroad Externships in Hospitality Education: Experiential Learning
The value of study abroad experiential learning programs within hospitality education is explored by Kevin Murphy and Manuel Rivera in The Value of Study Abroad Externships in Hospitality Education: Experiential Learning. This book examines the study abroad experience in Europe, Asia and North America. The study reviews what the students “get” out of the program and what they “give.” Overall the students considered the experience a good investment in their educational experience as well as their personal development and future jobs. They get to explore working within their field in an international setting.
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Making Them Visible
Making Them Visible is the first of a on-going series of textbooks created as a result of FUA-AUF’s research program for academic professionals. FUA-AUF faculty member Simonetta Ferrini explores the relationship between the visual and literary elements of Calvino’s well-known novel. The publication contains analyses of contemporary visual artists who have based their work on Calvino’s novel as well as a practical approach to developing an interdisciplinary project for learners studying Calvino’s works.
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