Surf Campaign to Sustain Syria

By Nicole Daniels
Photo courtesy of Femo Factory
An estimated 9 million refugees have fled the country of Syria since the start of the civil war in 2011 in order to find safety. To really understand the magnitude of that number, I compared it with the size of my home country. The number of refugees that have fled Syria equals the population of Colorado, Nevada, and Nebraska combined. After realizing just how big 9 million is, I really connected with the Femo Factory and its humanitarian cause that was the basis of a class project that I would become involved in during my time in Florence.
The Femo Factory is a company based out of Italy that hand-produces surfboards, skateboards, indoboards and accessories to go with them. Creators Andrea Masini and Giulia Bartolucci believe that their company is a philosophy and set out to make a change with their products. With this idea, the Femo Factory created a campaign called Surfing Syria. By teaming with the United Nations, Femo Factory has created a campaign to support the Syrian refugees.
While studying abroad this summer in Italy at Florence University of the Arts, I took a social media class. Through the class I got to meet the creators of Femo Factory, Andrea Masini and Giulia Bartolucci, and take part in creating a social media campaign for them to promote Surfing Syria.
Femo Factory and their Surfing Syria campaign consists of selling t-shirts. With the purchase of these t-shirts, a portion of the proceeds go to the United Nations and their support of the Syrian Refugees. The t-shirts feature a design and the words Surfing Syria. This way no only when a t-shirt is purchased money is donated, but every time it is worn it is raining awareness about the issue as well. The t-shirts are all handmade in Italy from all natural cotton.
By taking part in designing a social media campaign for Surfing Syria our class was divided into three groups. Each group was responsible for a different phase in the campaign. The group that I was in was responsible for the third and final phase. Our job was to promote the Surfing Syria t- shirt to be purchased before the campaign's end. Since the shirts were a limited edition product by the Femo factory and only available for purchase for about a month it was important to promote them properly.
As a group we brainstormed ideas for what we could post to promote the short and on what social networks. We did some research into how posts go viral and read about strategies in order to make them viral. We came up with four Facebook posts, two Twitter posts, two Instagram posts, and a Tumblr blog post. My job was to write the blog post. Writing the post was difficult at first, but after I got started it got easier. In the post I started off by taking about the situation in Syria and about the refugees. I then followed with information on the Femo Factory, information on Surfing Syria, and how to purchase the t-shirt. After we had created all of our posts for the third phase of the social media campaign, as a group we created a calendar. This calendar was created to direct Andrea Masini and Giulia Bartolucci of Femo Factory when to post what we had came up with in order to receive maximum attention.
Being involved in a social media campaign from start to finish, I learned a lot about the process and the work that goes into creating a successful campaign. It opened me up to the idea of wanting to work with social media in the future with my career. I am studying apparel merchandising at my home institute and going into the fashion industry. The fashion industry is fully sensitive to social media and taking part in creating a campaign made me realize that I could do it as a career.
Get Involved:
Find out more about the current state of Syrian refugees and get involved in Surfing Syria.